First post! As a first post I put this fic on Harry Potter I hate presentations \\ o /
(I hope to find a better title coming soon)
Title: Nothing better.
Author: liar_painkiller Fandom: Harry Potter Disclaimer: The characters do not belong to me but to JK Rowling, the story is do not pay me and my \u0026lt;3.
Raiting: G pairings / characters: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius / Remus, James / Lily, Harry Potter
Introduction: "I do not think about it, Prongs, not would realize they are going to be an owl affatturato even with warning. "
Lily, exasperated, he jumped up with joy when I finally knocked the door. Ran to open - or rather, to unhinge the door - and Remus did not even have time to say goodbye she clung to his arm, "Oh God, Remus only you can help me!"
That werewolf stared at her ; incredulos "What happened?"
"Hello Mrs. Potter! Where is that idiot my friend? "Sirius, grinning happy, leaning in the doorway leaning on the shoulders of Remus to see better lobby.
"In the dining room," she said with a tragic voice, staring almost evil he was the cause of his ills.
"Lily - Remus repeated, staring apprehensively - I say so-"
"It has become! While I was cooking!
It took Harry with horns to roam around "
" Yo, Moony, Pad, there you have it! "
A smiling James were joined by his wife and the baby in her arms trying to snatch his glasses.
"prongs, you will not ever disappoint me! - Went to his friend Harry stringesse happy letting a finger - Has enjoyed the little beast, eh? "
" You should have seen it - laughed the other - seems to really like my hair. And then when it was puffed in the face of absurd faces ... "
" The beast ... "Remus muttered disheartened.
"Will you go by his uncle, Harry?" The latter is clearly too small to sniff out the danger, waved his hands toward his godfather bubbling merrily.
"No! - Lily pulled her son from the hands of her husband - Stop threatening the life of my son! "
" But Lily! I'm his godfather, no? - Sirius pouted, pretending to be mortally offended - seriously do not you trust me? "
" I would not trust you - he angrily Remus - Come on, Lily, you can give it to me. "
"Thank you, I have yet to set the table." she murmured, grateful, then went into the kitchen.
"Seriously, Moony.
Seriously. It is a conspiracy against me?
"Yes We are looking for their first chance to kill him, Mr. Black. "
"Oh, Moony, you would have told him ... And the surprise?"
"I do not think about it, Prongs, no one would realize they are going to be an owl affatturato even with warning."
Sirius looked distressed his two friends who disappeared after having crossed the threshold just before the lady of the house in disbelief. "I do not know whether to feel offended or amused." She muttered to herself, closing the door behind him.
Then his face broke into a grin, check that no one would come back, put off trying not to make noise.
Remus struggled to hold back a scream, feeling drool and chew a leg, was not able not to jump back panting with fright.
The big black dog barked what looked like a laugh and put his hind legs on his shoulders.
Harry seemed to like the novelty and teased with a wet finger to the nose of the dog, who snorted and shook his face.
"Come on, Pad, stop it! We must get to the table! "
did not even have time to finish the sentence to rest on his shoulders were no longer legged dog, but large and calloused hands of his roommate.
James laughed and Lily did not know whether to cover his eyes or those of the child, eventually decided to tear him from the arms of Remus and turn away from the scene.
"You're naked." Stating the case, horrified.
"As if it had gone a few hours since the last time you saw me naked, Moony." Sirius smiled falsely candid expression.
"Pad, you're stunned two nerds in one shot. High five, buddy. "
Remus seemed to have recovered his voice:" I mean, James - of - Would you not tell me ... you do not cause any discomfort
have a naked man,
totally naked in the house of your family? "Had recovered his voice, yes, but looked like he had something stuck in his throat.
Sirius barked a laugh, passing an arm around the shoulders "Moony Oh come on, Jamie knows that I'm a fag."
"not true" he said, frowning.
"Oh no?" Leaned out and caught him by surprise licking her neck.
"Sirius," Remus rang so very little virile; James si manteneva al tavolo, piegato in due dalle risate.
“Sirius – fece Lily, con voce grave – vestiti. Ora.”
Sirius sorrise, sornione, per poi ricordarsi di aver lasciato la bacchetta nei pantaloni. E il tono di voce di Lily diceva a chiare lettere ‘ora ti affatturo’.
“Uh, ok.”
“Quindi – cominciò Remus quando tutti i presenti furono vestiti e seduti per la cena – come mai Peter non è venuto?”
“Non so, non poteva ha detto” liquidò la questione James, sventolando a fork.
"Oh, well - Sirius said with a shrug - perhaps you feel in awe of genes like us to attend ... lately it's gone."
"He'll be back - known how Lily said - and then the second your theory would not have even had to attend Hogwarts,
genius. "
" If he did would still be stuck at the first year, Evans
. "
Remus snorted, rolling his eyes" I walk the pitcher, Prongs? "
James smiled, euphoric, watching his best friend and his wife, insulting, laughing, and his son - he was still enamored with pride at the thought - a teddy bear crawl behind enchanted, enthusiastic warbling.
grabbed the camera, resting on the cabinet behind him and began shooting wildly, thinking that there could be nothing better than that moment.